EQUALITY: Fast and Simple
Society wants to Accelerate Equality
Gender Fair is on a Mission to Make it Simple
Consumers want to be able to shop based on their values, now more than ever. Employees are more motivated by—and loyal to—companies that take positive action. Investors understand that diverse companies perform better than their peers. Donors want to make sure that the causes they support are aligned both externally, on their mission, as well as internally, in their organizations. They all want to support companies that are committed to fairness, and they won’t settle for messaging alone – they demand demonstrated commitment.
Both companies and individuals need a trusted independent party to discern which are progressing on equality, and help those that aren’t the fastest with ways to improve. Our binary rating (Gender Fair or Not) and 100-point scoring system provide both an at-a-glance decision making tool for which companies to support and a benchmarking and goal-tracking system for companies.
Knowledge is Power
Women Are The World's Most Powerful Consumer
85% of consumer decisions are made or influenced by women – let’s leverage that power for good.
When we spend our money with companies that have flexible work arrangements, women (and men) will have greater work life balance.
When we buy from brands with positive gender representation in their marketing, brands will create more inclusive marketing messages.
We promote products and services via distribution of advertising materials in various ways. **